Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where are you from?

Sometimes I am embarrassed to admit that I live in South Carolina. I mean first it’s the miss USA who has no clue why people can’t read maps and does the worst job ever of bullshitting her way through answering a question, and then we have a man-whore governor but really is there nothing else more important going on that this makes national news? So he cheated on his wife that sucks for his family but is that really newsworthy – I like juicy gossip as much as the next person, but every night on the news there is something about the governor - enough already. Ok and second yes most people in South Carolina have a southern accent but if you lived somewhere where the summer temp is almost always boiling hot outside you would talk slower too. My theory is talking fast equals more hot air and there is enough of that around here anyway so we talk slower.


Debbie said...

Thank you for your kind words on my blog! Very sweet :)

Multiple personalities.. said...

I personally adore southern accents. I'm a couple of states away here in Maryland, and some people here have distinct accents too, where instead of saying Bal.Ti.More, they say "Bawlmer". It's cute! And I agree, I wish the news would actually talk about stuff that was more substantial and worthy. It was nice to meet you via SItS!

Dee said...

Ooh girl I grew up even further south than you in the Caribbean and I've been to many of the islands and I never thought of it but truly the heat must have something to do with our lazy sing song accents :-)

The Blonde Duck said...

Thanks for popping by on my SITS day! My Texas accent is so thick people think I'm making it up.